blackwellPrezentujemy podręcznik prof. Lynelle R. Johnson, wykładowcy majowej konferencji VetCo "Intensywna terapia i choroby układu oddechowego małych zwierząt w praktyce". Autorka opisuje choroby układu oddechowego w sposób przystępny, pozwalający nawet początkującym lekarzom zgłębić to zagadnieni. Książka jest pełna kolorowych ilustracji i grafikzebrała wiele pozytywnych recenzji w Veterinary Records, Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, The Australian Veterinary Journal. Podręcznik w chwili obecnej  nie jest dostępny w języku polskim. Przeczytaj recenzje.


"Perhaps the greatest compliment I can pay the book is to say that I would recommend it equally to undergraduate students studying canine and feline respiratory disease and practitioners wanting to know and learn a bit more about the subject and glean practical tips that they can employ in their day-to-day practice." (Veterinary Record, February 2011)

"Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine is concisely written, easy to read, and up-to-date. There are many excellent photographs illustrating technical procedures and diagnostic findings. Techniques such as transtracheal wash and chest-tube placement are described in sufficient detail to enable practitioners to perform these techniques. This textbook takes a sensible and functional approach to respiratory medicine and clarifies a subject matter many find confusing. This text is highly recommended for any small animal practitioner." (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, December 2010)

"The text book is enjoyable to read and fulfils the stated aim of the author, which is to provide an authoritive, cohesive and complete discussion of all the elements needed to diagnose and treat small animal respiratory diseases, specifically in a user-friendly, single author volume, and the author is to be congratulated in doing so." (The Australian Veterinary Journal, January/February 2011)

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