david billerDo you know how to produce a great thoracic radiograph?

If not, we encourage you to visit the IVIS website and read short article written by Professor David Biller – our speaker at „Small Animal Gastroenterology and Radiology”!

Professor Biller is the Head of Radiology at the Kansas State University and a world expert in this field, a lecturer at numerous international conferences and the author of many chapters in world-renowned textbooks, for example „Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine” (Stephen J. Ettinger, Edward C. Feldman).

„Small Animal Gastroenterology and Radiology” – Professor’s Biller Topics:

  • Old Radiographic Techniques Revisited
  • Understanding Most Often Used Contrast Studies
  • Imaging of the Young Lame Canine Patient
  • Clinical Utility of the Right Intercostal Ultrasound Scan Plane
  • Invasive Ultrasound
  • Panicking about Pulmonary Patterns

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Registration for Polish veterinarians here: http://www.vetedu.com.pl/szkolenia




